Dunavar - Muscat Ottonel - Hungary 2011
Kelsey V. - The Female Perspective -
Instantly, both Kris and I agreed upon the delectability of this muscat wine, despite not being familiar with muscat as a family of white wines, it was to our pleasure to discover this specific vino. This wine of medium body was easy on the pallet providing distinct floral notes which ended on a warm note. Despite being best served well chilled, this muscat left me enveloped with warmth. I would recommend that this wine be purchased if you happen upon it, as I rate it 5 wine glasses out of 5. Monday night cheers!
Kris Sadek - The Male Perspective -
As I stumbled into the LCBO 3 minutes before closing time, I realized I hadn't much time to do my usually search for tonights wine. I made my way through the aisles and grabbed the first bottle that caught my eye. When I brought it to the register I was surprised that it was only $9 (a little less actually). This was disheartening as I concluded that this wine was going to be cheap (not in price, but in stature). To my surprise, it was not; Far from it. I had never heard of the Muscat family of wine, but it left me with a great impression; Dunavar Muscat Ottonel was well enjoyed as a flavourful, light mix, proving that cost =/= quality. I would recommend you grab this bottle if you ever see it, and enjoy a nice night accompanied with chicken cooked with a fruity glaze (such as orange chicken). I would give this bottle a 5/5 as well! Daaaaaamn. Das Gud. Cheers!
As for appearance, this bottle wasn't over the top by any means. Dunavar Muscat scored a 2/3 for the nice colour matchup of gold and green, and the intriguing stamp of a female (who is it and why isn't she smiling!?). What it lost in allure, this wine made up for in taste!
Monday Night Parties everybody!
As for appearance, this bottle wasn't over the top by any means. Dunavar Muscat scored a 2/3 for the nice colour matchup of gold and green, and the intriguing stamp of a female (who is it and why isn't she smiling!?). What it lost in allure, this wine made up for in taste!
Monday Night Parties everybody!