Placido - Pinot Grigio - Italy 2011
Kelsey V. - The Female Perspective -
Placido is a wine that goes down smoothly, however the reason for this is that it lacks distinctive flavour. This pinot grigio is neither fruity nor flavour, in fact there is not much to critique here. I feel as though we might be missing something, because I honestly don't taste much. Although I enjoy the essence that IS there, I can't quite put my finger on what is missing. Maybe somebody is playing a joke on me. I am lost for words, I like this wine for what it does present, but the lack of an individual personality hinders it's overall value. For the reasons stated above, I rate this wine a 3 out of 5. Have a good night everyone!
Kris - The Male Perspective -
For appearance, this bottle receives a point for allure because of the dude riding the horse, but in terms of colour scheme it lacks overall presentation. Another point is rewarded for the creativity, as the bottle tells a story of a hero of war. 2/3 in total!